Here is our award section given to general websites,sites about recycling,conservation,and animal welfare.
The rules are simple All website are welcome as long as they don't contain adult material such as pornography
they dont contain racist or hate,
or information that tells about illegal activities
All sites that win will be listed in our free for all pages under the correct heading, they will have an asterisk in ftont that marks them as a winner of this sites award.
Remember the description you submit will be used in the listing so keep it brief,and describe the best points of your site.
The criteria for all enteries is as follows
Judging will be done by me
I will look at spelling,if all your graphics load,the quality of graphics,all scripts must work,links should all work,plus general layout of your website ,do pages match.
Here are the sample of the awards
Fill out the form completely !!
If the form doesn't work summit your site by email use link below ,put all the information in it,the same stuff you needed for form