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Tuesday march 13th 2002

Shedding Light on Energy Savings

By Mike Ferrara, "The Lazy Homeowner"

(ARA) - It's a fact that homeowners everywhere are faced with fluctuating energy costs. You can, however, lower your energy costs with some simple steps that will provide long-term savings.

For example, you can purchase a water heater or a washing machine with the U.S. government-endorsed "ENERGY STAR" label. This is an easy way to tell if a product exceeds federal energy efficiency requirements. A more immediate and affordable way to conserve energy is to simply change your light bulbs.

Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) that carry the ENERGY STAR label will save up to $50 in energy costs over the life of the bulb. CFLs use 75 percent less energy than standard incandescent light bulbs and last up to 13 times longer, which means you won't have to change those hard-to-reach bulbs as often.

Westinghouse is one of the oldest and best-known brands to develop ENERGY STAR approved CFLs. Recognized for high quality engineering, Westinghouse is also known for its wide variety of bulb shapes and wattages that will fit just about every table lamp, floor lamp, ceiling fixture or wall sconce in your home.

CFLs cost more than standard bulbs -- about $7-$10 -- but when you add up the savings in time and on your electric bill, they're worth every penny.

I like the fact that CFLs have the same warm color as standard incandescent light bulbs, and now they are small enough to fit almost anywhere. I also like the idea that there is an excellent chance I won't have to replace a newly installed CFL for seven or eight years!

Courtesy of ARA Content


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