


These thoughts are arranged by date added or summited
March 9th 2002
     Well this is the first thought I added on the subject of pollution.I hope we can do something about it before its to late.They say there's always tomorrow but will there always be a tomorrow.Will someday our tomorrows run out.Can't wait for tomorrow when tomorrow may never come if you don't start today to clean up a world slowing turning in to a wasteland of used toxic waste,of lost living things that once lost will be gone forever.The time is now or we might enter a time when it will be to late to do anything.Don't waste time thinking science will ride in on a white horse and save us from our own stupid mess.Wasn't science the one who caused the problem in the first place ?
     Do we really need all the stuff science has to offer?  The new chemicals which are to replace less toxic substances that worked just as good but didn't cause cancer or kill wildlife.Do we really need to cut down trees to make endless supplies of paper products that are used only once and thrown away.Not talking about toilet paper ,but paper toweling,when an old t-shirt can be used and used again and again.Do cars have to run on gasoline which when used give off toxic fumes and which we as Americans are at the mercy of the middle east.Or can cars be run by the use of natural gas ,which we have in abundances,gives off only water vapor in most cases and can which be a renewable resource.This refers to menthane digestors which can make methane also known as natural gas from waste products,animal manure,human feces exc.
   Well thats all for now got that off my chest
         Randy/webmaster Clean World
April 2nd 2002
          Recycling a great first step

Everyone wants to start doing something to start making the world a cleaner place.But what should they do? I suggest starting simple and taking just a small first step.What would be a great easy way to help the environment ? "recycling".Recycling is easy to do,most places now have a recycling center somewhere near.But there are a few thing you need to do.First you have to buy things that are recyclable ,that most plastics,aluminum,glass and papers.But check on each product you buy it will say somewhere on it if it is recyclable ,like on plastics there are codes on bottom of all bottles and plastic containers.Remember your cars oil can also be used again,so can its battery and eventualy the whole car can be recycled.Ask your local garage they know where to send old oil and used batteries.

How does recycling help the environment? First less energy is used to make new things out of old things.Second by reusing paper you are saying trees from being cut down.Third like in the case of car oil and batteries you will be keeping harmful substances out of the air and water.Batteries contain acid,lead and other harmful things that if placed in a land fill may leach into ground water.But if there recycled they can be redone and made into new car batteries that are just like new.Start recycling it's easy and its a great first step in making the world a better, brighter, place.

Clean World

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